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Spiders Pest Control & Treatment Sydney

Treating spider infestations and occurence is easy, whilst it can be scary at first sight of seeing these pests we have the solution. 

A licensed pest control expert has the techniques and treatment options to eradicate these pest from your homes and prevent them from returning for 12 months, however if you haven’t booked an appointment with one of our licensed pest control team members yet then here are a few prevention tips to help keep those spiders at bay.

Spider Prevention Tips

Prevent Entry Access Points:

– Repair cracks and crevices with gap filler.
– Cover vents and weep holes with mesh.
– Ensure all windows have flyscreens.

Minimise Food Sources:

Minimise insect occurence in your home that spiders use for food, such as switch off unused lights, particularly in areas that have access to the outdoors offering a way to enter.

Maintain your yearly pest control treatment:

Keeping up to date with your yearly pest control treatment is important. You’ve probably noticed that around the 11th or 12th month mark you might start to notice an increased pest activity, making it important to set a reminder or book your treatment in when we send out your yearly email reminder.

For more tips and tricks read up about what more you can do around your home for all types of pests.

Cautionary Actions You Can Take To Protect Your Home & Family

Some of the more dangerous spiders living amongst Sydney homes can give you a nasty surprise when they find their way into your home. It’s best to not leave clothes to dry outside overnight as spiders can make their way into pockets of your clothes.

Any shoes left overnight should be shaken before being put on, as shoes provide a nice warm area for spiders to crawl into.

Wear gardening gloves when working in your garden. Funnel Web spiders can quickly introduce themselves, so it’s always best to be ready. Equally Redback spiders can be found outside amongst trees, under furniture and through items that live outside.

Spiders in Sydney

Sydney is home to some of the most dangerous spiders. For most of us, we’re neervouse at the sight of any spider, particularly those that have redbacks (Redback Spiders) or large fangs (Funnel Web Spiders).

However, not all spiders are dangerous, in fact majority of spiders found in your home are harmless and can help maintain your ecosystem in your home such as reducing the occurance of flies, mosquitoes or other flying insects. So whilst the sight of spiders is alarming, they’re sometimes great to have around. 

Pest Control will keep your family safe of seeing Spiders, and also offers protection against the more dangerous spiders. If you haven’t already, it’s a great time to think about booking in your pest control, before the pests get out of control!

Facts About Spiders

In Australia only 2700 species have been described out of a total of 10,000. Source: CSIRO.

Black widows are known for cannibalising their mates, but this doesn’t actually happen all the time. The exception seems to be the red widow, where the male force feeds himself to the female by placing himself into her mandibles. If she ‘spits him out,’ so to speak, he will keep placing himself there until she eventually eats him. Source: Smithonian

Spiders are the real Superheroes – For its weight, spider web silk is actually stronger and tougher than steel. Source: Smithonian

Immediate medical assistance is required for funnel-web, mouse, red-back, or white-tailed spider bites.

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